Apple: How I fell in love with it.

Apple: How I fell in love with it.

We all have a story with Apple in some way, or the other. Here’s one such story, I want to share with you, as to how I got to know Apple, and fell in love with it. I’ve been against Apple for its luxurious lifestyle, in the early days of Apple trying to change the world with its innovation, as well it’s presence towards bringing people together; not just in the form of tech, as well bringing them closer to a healthy lifestyle, as well the ease towards making big in what – You as an individual is passionate.

Here is where I totally was drowned towards Apple taking each passing year; Towards the better for the people, and the world. You might be wondering how ?, Apple keynotes have been great since its inception, at least from the time I’ve watched it over the years. One such I remember vividly is Apple in one of its keynote showcasing how iPad can bring people together, not just as a third device in your hand, as well closer to your healthy lifestyle, and your dreams. Apple showcased how the health industry could make the doctors, as well as us aware of how our health is, as well as keep a record of its progress on your iPad. To me, that was something I’ve never seen anyone take a leap ahead in making tech our source of understanding, and not just for casual stuff to do on iPad.

One of those Apple keynotes had on the iPad, made me not just appreciate apple, but as well know why Apple products have always been a luxury to own. Even if I was like “Why pay for something that is so expensive ?, and have no value for the amount one is paying”. Even now, I never feel there is a need to pay more than you might need it; even today I feel no different about the tech we’ve.

Yet with Apple, I feel you can look pass for what you’re paying, since Apple from its inception has been about “Making life at ease, without any hindrance towards how one uses tech in a day to day life”.

This is how I fell in love with Apple, and its products.

My 1st ever Apple product was the iPad, it still is hands down one of the best devices made by Apple, under Steve Jobs’s vision. The way he saw it for himself, and us. Ever since I’ve used the iPad, just like everyone you I got to understand why Apple has a company felt luxurious, yet to its core all about privacy, and enhance meant towards how “Everyone might’ve their own walk of Life.”

I still to this day, use the iPad 2nd generation for whatever it can offer me, even if most of it I can’t use at present.

When I got my 1st ever iPhone, moving from the Samsung S2, I could see while Apple was appreciated for how well optimized, and the way it can make you in minutes feel at ease. Especially someone like me, who happens to write a lot, and time-to-time, need to finish work between 2 different Apple devices. That how insanely Apple is, especially now it’s got a lot better, than a decade back. In no way Samsung fell short with its innovation in tech, in fact, many don’t know this; what I had on my Samsung S2, half of that even iPhone 5 at that time didn’t have. That how good Samsung was, and still is.

Now that we’ve a variety of products from Apple, I feel now we don’t need to think much about how much “We need to pay?” There question ourselves, if we need it for the next 5 years, or so ?: That how good Apple, and Samsung have become together, then the likes of other brands imo.

In my personal opinion: I definitely need to upgrade my iPhone, and the iPad, at the same time; I don’t need to pay as much, as I require for my needs, between these 2 devices. Since most of the time, I rather use my iPad, than iPhone. As for the MacBook, it’s nowhere near to how the iPad lineup, and iPhone lineup feel at the moment.

So that is how I feel in love with Apple. For making our life easier, and more meaningful than ever.

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