iPhone 15 Series: My thoughts on it

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We finally got our hands on, with the iPhone 15 series. This time around, the Apple event felt less about its product lineup, and more to do with the environment around us.

For the most part, it felt nice, yet somewhere between those lines. Apple has forgotten, its core vision, and its beauty. In a layman’s terms, what’ve gotten with the Apple products, let be the iPhone 15 series, or its accessories; both have felt a bit haywire in my opinion.

It’s possible to say so. Since, the Apple iPhone launch of its products, has always made an headlines, one way, or the other. Good, or bad; something feels like a missing puzzle.

That’s how the iPhone 15 series feels overall.

yt iphone 15

This iPhone 15 series feels a lot better, than the iPhone 14 combined. iPhone 14 series, not only had physical issues with its hardware, but also with its software. The iPhone 14 series, not only the physical product wasn’t that great while holding in hand, as the Pro models felt like a brick, with the battery life, and software not doing any good. Since its inception, as well as the iPhone 14 regular, it hardly had any major improvements.

As for the iPhone 15 regular, it got an overhaul, as well major upgrade, over any previous model. I don’t know, the last time, we saw, the regular iPhone; it got more love, than its elder siblings.

As for someone like me, who needs to upgrade, it is Apple products. I feel the iPhone 15 series is for me.

As I was saying, the iPhone 15 series overall is great. As for the iPhone 15 regular models. Those saw a major upgrade, as well might needed features. As well, as its price to features, it offers. Is far better; than what iPhone Pro models have to offer.

This time, for me both iPhone 15 models feel equally close, in terms of in-hand feels, they don’t feel like iPhone 14 series.

iPhone 15 base models.

They got a bigger enhancement, that I as a person appreciate to have. Even if I’m not someone who could care less about certain things, that I feel, it’s nice to have, yet I could do without it. That’s the dynamic island, and finally getting USB-C. If there’s something I’ve come to appreciate in the span of 1 year. It’s the Dynamic Island, you might ask why. I feel it was a smart move on Apple’s part; to bring the dynamic island, just the way, we got 3D Touch on the iPhone 6S.

I’ve seen Dynamic Island come in handy for me on non-dynamic island devices as well. For instance, the iPhone 11, shows what dynamic island, in a way, that is only usable via the lock-screen of the iPhone 11. And not like how Dynamic Island showcases, as they do, since the inception of the iPhone 14 series. So in that way, I do appreciate Dynamic Island.

As for the USB-C coming to the iPhone 15 series.

it’s good for those; who have USB-C devices already. As for me, even Apple lighting would do just fine.

Coming to the camera, on the regular iPhone 15. I feel this was much needed, even if I’m no hardcore photographer. I do appreciate its presence, over how awful the camera on the iPhone 14 felt. I love the portrait feature, that is available on the iPhone 15 series.

The colours on the iPhone 15 base model.
iPhone 15 in Black
iPhone 15 in Blue

It feels a bit hit, and miss IMO. As for the colours I’ve seen so far, let it be the Black, or the Blue. The Black looks so nice in person, then Blue, not so great. As for the colours on the iPhone 15 Pro models, I’m still uncertain of how I feel in a general sense. So far, the Blue, and maybe the other colour I saw, both look nice. It almost feels, more for those, who don’t prefer fun colours.

Battery life.

It has not improved much I feel, coming from the iPhone 14 series, though, I’m being hopeful. It’s better.

iPhone 15 price.

It might vary, from where you get it. I just wish, the iPhone 15 regular had 120 Hz. It would justify its price. As for the iPhone 15 Pro model, with its new fresh finish, and Action button, I doubt, it will get better from here on.

iPhone 15 Pro

I feel this year, the iPhone 15 regular will be in the spotlight, followed by the iPhone 13 regular. Apple at times, loves being themselves. It shows in this year’s iPhone 15 series.

So let me know, How you feel about the iPhone 15 series.

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