Diary of Wimpy Kid By Jeff Kinney Book Review

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Diary of Wimpy Kid By Jeff Kinney is a fantastic book. This book can make you doze off to sleep anytime, or at night. This book is enjoyable to read. Must read this book, you will enjoy reading this book, till the end.

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Image courtesy of the author.

Rodrick Rules, and The Last Straw.

Rodrick Rules, and The Last Straw from the Diary of a Wimpy Kid ( series books 2, and 3 ). I read The Last Straw first, then Rodrick Rules. I enjoyed reading The Rodrick Rules, the book was humorous and witty. Sometimes in between, it got a bit out of track, but nether the less, I enjoyed it from the start, till the end. The last straw, I didn’t enjoy it reading much, because I didn’t feel the fun, as I felt reading, the first Wimpy Kid book, and the 3rd one, I had hope till the end; at least it would end with laughter, or a bit humour, but I Couldn’t find much of it till the end.

I gave Diary of Wimpy Kid 5/5, Rodrick Rules 3/5, and The Last Straw 5/5 in GoodReads.

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