Learn to master your mind

Learn to master your mind

You might question yourself; why’s it so important ?

The answer to it, might seem simple. Yet it’s more than; we know, our own self.

Your mind is half of what you say, and what you think, within you.

If you’re good at controlling your emotions. You’re good at knowing the present day’s ins and outs. If not, you’re still bound to know the world around you, up close.

” If one must learn to understand; it’s only with time, with growth, to being, themselves truly”

That’s how one not only learns, to control their emotions; but, as well knows, to master one mind.

It’s easier to say out; what you feel within you. What’s more difficult, is the acceptance, we’re in a tangle to the world around us; we know little of people; within our own reach.

We’re more self-aware of ourselves, as well, as where we’re at the present state in our life.

It’s easier to let someone know, how we feel within us, or let the world know via a tweet.

The only possible way to master your mind, is to let go of things, you’ve no control over, or have little understanding of. It can be; for any of the two reasons. With time, you become better, yet wise to know who’s yours, and is knowing of you…

One might find it easier, to let the world know, where as, someone who has lots to say, never wish, to say much, of themselves.

With time, you just don’t adapt, to what you’ve gotten used to, as well know; how you must move, alongside everyone.

The simple ways to take control of your mindset.

: Be Yourself, yet never say much in return.

: Learn to know enough, you’ve. In you’re own little world. Filled with joy.

: learn to control your emotions, even if you don’t feel like so.

: it’s easier to know, than do it.

Your mind, is a reflection of who you’re… It’s what makes you know enough, that you’re.

If you’ve no mind for yourself; you’re probably living in a world, where minds are not communicating well enough, to have a deeper understanding. One might say; there is not enough time. We’re moving so swiftly; we’ve got to keep both worlds in neutral.

You might at times question yourself; is this it ?

The answer is simple: Not until your convenience. You’re here to say, and make it a better place, not just for yourself. As well, as what gives you joy.

Your mindset, is a treat to how, you go above in life; in different places.

Our personalities, just don’t change with time, they also shift from one loophole, to the other. We need to move in, in unison. So our mind, and body vibes, and what we desire for ourselves. Your mindset, communicates; more than, what you express, no matter how little, or big it might seem.

As I’m writing this, I almost feel; I’m not truly being myself. You might wonder, why am I even saying this ?

It’s simple: If you wish not to talk about something, you tend to avoid it, as much, as possible. Not in favour of how much you know, or how little; it has taken up in your life.

Here, I’m just writing about how I feel, you, as readers; know better of yourself, and I might know the world from afar.

I’ve always believed ” Your willing, goes a long way; then what you showcase, to the world around you”. If your mindset is set; you’re set: that’s the beauty of being mindful of yourself. One just can’t shift; in swift motion; if one’s mind is wondering, in a loophole.

As I believe; one mindset, is the greatest asset. It has to make, the impossible, possible; as long, you’ve not lost hope in dreaming. As dreaming is one half, of what your mind is letting you know. The other half is your mindset, and body; which knows: how far you can leap, and turn the leaves, towards you. Even if, it might take time, to be yourself.

— Aabid Faiyaz, PoeticWhiz

In the end, our mindsets, shouldn’t change; as to how we see things; just learn to blend in; in whatever way, we can.

Remember one thing; if you’ve one; who can read your mindsets, at a distance? Then that person knows who you truly are, inside out.

Adore yourself; as much, as you’ve got, a mindset of your own. Don’t let the world definite it for you; rather let them cherish; for who you’re.

The best ways to be mindful; of your mindsets.

: Be rebellious.

: Be bold enough to hold yourself together.

: keep hold of what you say, and what you know.

: Don’t be hard on yourself.

: Enjoy life, in your comfort.

: Dream yourself.


How to master your mindset ?

: Be yourself, and do what feels right.

Is mindset everything ?

: it’s how you see life; and how you look at it from a distance.

The importance of having your own mindset?

: It’s how one defines; how far one has come, and how far one has yet to go, in order to be themselves. It’s a process of knowing yourself better; as well, as your lifestyle.

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